Reasons Healthcare Movement has started to draw attention on the 47 Million uninsured in this nation back in 2009. We were not aware of the significance of that number which also represents the number of retirees, number on food stamps recipients, and number in poverty. This perhaps is where many of us confused the uninsured with those in poverty; not realizing those in poverty there exist Medicaid. The purpose of the expansion of Medicaid is to help capture the lower middle working class individual who was previously not eligible.
Now 47MR has evolved to look on resolving the many issues that will become apparent in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Obama-care). As individuals, businesses, and State government begin to embrace the impact of the laws full effect, strategies are also beginning to look for loophole to lessen the financial impact that individuals and businesses (consumers) will be experiencing.
From 2008 to 2011, we traveled the country to offer an alternative view from the fee-for-service system; assisting the uninsured by distributing free RX cards, and offering educational seminars. The ideology is of doing something good to benefit the consumers we as a nation need to focus on the real issues and unite to implement the changes that can protect our family and nation. Each community working with local businesses and local physicians interested in the greater cause can improve and assure that no person in their community is without health care.
Therefore, it's about giving all of us the opportunity to look at the issues, and ask ourselves do we make decision based on greed (capitalism), need (individual or community), politics (party), or country (patriotism). This country cannot continue to pay for health care abuses of over-utilization, fraud, theft, and special interest that the fee-for-service system represents and now will continue under the new law. The Affordable Care Act of 2010 is a great beginning to build on, but should not fall short by not allowing an alternative system. Until a change occurs, there only exists one system controlled by one industry.

If we truly want to solve this healthcare issue we need to run both systems. In allowing the existence of our 47MR alternative system model in conjunction and collaboration with the government exchange program then we can profess that true competition really exists in the marketplace. Otherwise, we remain in the same broken fee-for-service monopolized healthcare state of mind.